Dienstag, 29. November 2011

Sperm-Nuking Laptop Wi-Fi of the Day

Sperm-Cooking Laptops of the Day

Sperm-Nuking Laptop Wi-Fi of the Day: Laptops with Wi-Fi may have a damaging effect on male reproductive health, according to a new study by Argentinian scientists, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

In the study, the scientists collected semen samples from 29 healthy men and placed them under a laptop with an active Wi-Fi connection for four hours.

The result: a quarter of the sperm had stopped swimming, versus only 14 percent in semen stored at room temperature. 9% of the laptop-cooked sperm also showed DNA damage, which is three times the normal rate.

The scientists blame the results on electromagnetic radiation generated during wireless communication. A separate test using a laptop without Wi-Fi found almost no radiation.

Dr. Robert Oates, president of the Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, says the study doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t use a laptop.

“This is not real-life biology, this is a completely artificial setting,” he said. “It is scientifically interesting, but to me it doesn’t have any human biological relevance.”

And, as Oates also noted, who actually uses a laptop on their lap, anyway?


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