Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Elijah Wood Star Wars Rant of the Day

Elijah Wood Star Wars Rant of the Day

Elijah Wood Star Wars Rant of the Day: Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood is happy that Peter Jackson is shooting The Hobbit in 3D, but he’s decidedly not pleased about the 3D treatment of another enormous movie franchise: Star Wars.

In a recent interview, Wood dissed George Lucas’s decision to 3D-ify the Star Wars films for theatrical release, starting with Episode I.

“We have to wait three movies to get to the f&%$ing good s%@#, it’s unbelievable. I’m like, ‘We have to wait three years for that? You’re doing Episode I first? What a bummer!’” Wood said, sharing the anguish of Star Wars fans everywhere.

And what if Jackson wanted to add 3D to Lord of the Rings after the fact? Wood had some thoughts about that, too:

I think it would be cool to see. There’s talk of releasing a dimensionalised trilogy eventually. I’m okay with doing post-process 3D, as long as someone takes the time. What I’m upset about is when a movie doesn’t have the budget and the time to devote to it and they’re not fine-tuning the detail of that, because it can look really bad and cheap. But I know that they wouldn’t dimensionalise it unless it was a super meticulous process.

You hear that, directors? If you’re going to mess with Frodo’s movies, you’d better be sure you do it right.

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