Montag, 21. November 2011

How to enable the new YouTube design

YouTube redesign preview

You saw Google's redesigned look for YouTube a week ago, now how about giving it a try? The new YouTube is being rolled out in stages, and for those who haven't yet received access to it, Moritz Tolxdorff over on Google+ has detailed a relatively painless to speed things up. When you're on the website, you need to open up your browser's developer tools — Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + K in Firefox; Ctrl + Shift + J (Win) or Cmd + Alt + J (Mac) for Chrome — and punch in the following string of code:


Close the console, reload the site, and enjoy the much more streamlined layout of Google's video storehouse. Trust us, that code won't melt down your computer, we tried it out ourselves and it...

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