Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Ghostbusters Theme Played on Floppy Drives is a Sterling Example of the Genre

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Floppy drive music is something we’ve come to know and love here at Geekosystem. Good examples of the genre are few and far between, unfortunately, but sorting the wheat from the chaff can be a difficult job. MrSolidSnake745 continues in his efforts to make the search as painless as possible by creating his most recent video: The Ghostbusters theme, as played by eight floppy drives.
The video runs a bit long, but the majority of it is a glorious reminder as to what technology — and Bill Murray — can accomplish. The melody is easily recognizable and even catchy in its own right. It’s easy to imagine this playing in the background on a Ghostbusters-inspired arcade brawler, which, like, someone, somewhere, please make that.
(via YouTube)
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Montag, 13. August 2012


1 Kommentare
Manchmal kommen beim CCC Anfragen rein, da fühlt man regelrecht seine Hirnmasse schrumpfen. Aktuelles Beispiel:
wir vom RTL Landesstudio [zensiert] recherchieren für einen Beitrag zum Thema „illegaler Download von Musik und Filmen“. Nun würden wir gerne wissen, ob es eine Art Top 5 der beliebtesten Download-Seiten gibt? Können sie uns diesbezüglich ein paar Tipps geben? Es sollen beliebte, aber auch einfache Seiten sein, die nicht nur der Computerexperte bedienen kann. Ich freue mich, wenn sie mir weiterhelfen können!

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Game of Thrones Political Attack Ads are Pure Genius

1 Kommentare
The Game of Thrones world is steeped in court intrigue and political maneuvering, but for all that it lacks something we take for granted:
Political attack ads. The folks over at Mother Jones decided to put their tongues firmly in cheek and show us what attack ads from the land of Westeros would look like. C’mon, Joffrey, we want to see a birth certificate! See them all, after the break.
Though funny, these ads fail to take into account the violence inherent to Westeros politics. What’s the point in a smear campaign when you can just straight-up murder someone? That said, these are fantastic. Extra points for encouraging viewers to “send a raven.”
(via The Wow Report)
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Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

My Butter Half

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(Movie Theater | Minnesota, USA)
(A couple approaches me at the movie theater’s concession stand.)
Me: “Hi, what can I—”
Customer: “Give me a green tea.”
Me: “Sorry, we don’t have green tea.”
Customer: “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Well, fine! What DO you have?”
(I point right behind me where all our sodas are clearly listed.)
Customer: “Well, FINE! Give me a Diet Coke, then.”
Customer Husband: “…And a large popcorn, please!”
Me: “Sure! That all?”
Customer Husband: “Yep!”
Me: “Cool. You guys want butter on the popcorn?”
Customer Husband: *giant smile* “Ye—”
Customer: “Of course not! Unlike you, I have a figure to maintain! I can’t have BUTTER on my popcorn! Really, are you an idiot?!”
(I go to get them their popcorn, but I purposely put way too much butter in the bucket and shovel a thin layer of popcorn on top to hide the butter.)
Me: “Here you go!”
Customer: “Well, finally!”
Customer Husband: *whispers as his wife turns away* “Butter?”
Me: “Yes, sir.”
(The guy hands me a five dollar bill. To this day, my coworkers and I refer to him as ‘Butter Man.’)

Spaceships drawn to scale

0 Kommentare
Space ships drawn to scale
Molecular astrophysicist Invader Xan drew spaceships, real and fictional, to scale.
This, my friends, is an image showing several of the most notable spacecraft we plucky human beings have created (and are busily creating) to date. The past, the present, and the ones that never quite made it. All spacecraft shown are to scale (assuming my sources were accurate). Because I felt I needed to exercise my graphic design muscles. And because, well, let's face it — space ships are just inherently cool, aren't they?
Dibs on the Starship Enterprise.
[via Boing Boing]
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Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

This Precariously Perched House is a Work of Art

0 Kommentare
Completed in November of last year, this amazing sculpture called “Fallen Star” at the University of California in San Diego depicts a small house perched dangerously on the side of the Jacobs School of Engineering. It’s a startling work, and one that shows off not only its artistic value but the incredible engineering that went into its creation.
Created by artist Do Ho Suh, the work is the 18th permanent sculpture on the school’s campus and part of the Stuart Collection. While a technical marvel in its own right, the work tackles issues of identity and “home.” From the Stuart Collection website:
It reflects Suh’s on-going exploration of themes around the idea of home, cultural displacement, the perception of our surroundings, and how one constructs a memory of a space. His own feelings of displacement when he arrived in the U.S. from Seoul, Korea in 1991 to study led him to measure spaces in order to establish relationships with his new surroundings. He had to physically and mentally readjust.
The interior home is completely furnished, and it even features a rooftop garden leading up to the off-kilter cottage. If you happen to be in the San Diego area, be sure to check out this surprising bit of sculpture.

  1. 1.Fallen Star

    Fallen Star

    images via The Fox is Black

  2. 2.Fallen Star

    Fallen Star

    images via The Fox is Black

  3. 3.Fallen Star

    Fallen Star

    images via The Fox is Black

  4. 4.Fallen Star

    Fallen Star

    images via The Fox is Black

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Montag, 11. Juni 2012

How About We Read You The Riot Act

0 Kommentare
(Bookstore | Cape Town, South Africa)
Customer: “Hi, I am looking for a fashion book.”
Me: “Sure, sir. Do you know the title or any specifics?”
Customer: “No, I do not.”
Me: “I will show you the fashion section then, sir.”
(As we walk to the fashion section…)
Customer: “I don’t know why people read; it’s like a disease! I find Facebook and other things on the internet are more fun.”
Me: “I enjoy reading, sir. It’s quite stimulating and exciting.”
Customer: “So, if you read, that means you don’t have a girlfriend?”
Me: “I do have a girlfriend. We have been together a long time.”
Customer: “How does she put up with you reading?”
Me: “She enjoys reading too, sir.”
Customer: “Oh, so you two must have a very boring life together and do nothing fun!”

Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

Fefe bringt es auf den Punkt!

0 Kommentare
Und die armen Neuseeländer Behörden müssen jetzt verteidigen, wieso sie die Platten nicht mehr haben. Kein Wunder, dass die Ausflüchte jetzt ausgesprochen fremdschämpeinlich werden:
FBI agents who copied data from Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom's computers and took it overseas were not acting illegally because information isn't "physical material", the Crown says.
Ach, es zählt nur, wenn es sich um physische Materialien handeln? Wegen was sind sie dann bitte überhaupt bei Kimble einmarschiert?!

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Political allegiance via wireless network SSIDs, mapped

0 Kommentare
Obama and SSIDs
Wireless network SSIDs in residential areas are typically left on default router names like Belkin or LinkSys, but some people use them as a subtle way to broadcast a message. Sometimes it's simple like "DontStealMyInternet" or "Big Bob's playhouse." Others use their SSIDs to make a political statement. With that in mind, James Robinson, a developer for OpenSignalMaps, wondered if political allegiance could be inferred from assigning sentiment to SSIDs.
According to this eccentric measure of sentiment Obama is much more popular outside of the US than within. Why is this? It may be that Obama is genuinely more popular in the rest of the world but maybe it is because outside of the US people are less likely to express negative sentiments towards politicians in this manner. We can't answer this definitively but looking at Argentina, at least, does suggest this is the case.
I'm surprised it was so evenly split in the US between negative and positive since in a way it's like putting a sign up on your lawn. Usually you see signs in support of a candidate rather than one that says an opposing candidate sucks.
Anonymity probably plays the main role in this case. You can't put up a mean sign in front of your house and pretend it's not yours, but you can make an insulting SSID, and no one would be the wiser.

How Much Do You Love Diablo III and Also Your Significant Other?

0 Kommentare
We know how much you love Diablo III, or really any game from which you can’t pry yourself away. We also know how fond you are of your significant other, and how difficult choosing between your beloved game and beloved significant other can be. Luckily for all of us, a solution has been discovered, and now we no longer have to choose between leveling up and cuddle time.
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Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

Vom Kindle hat man auch in Europa schon gehört, in ...

0 Kommentare
Vom Kindle hat man auch in Europa schon gehört, in den USA gibt es ein Konkurrenzprodukt namens "Nook" von Barnes & Noble, einer verbreiteten Buchhandelkette. Die Nook-Version von Tolstoys "Krieg und Frieden" hat statt "kindled" "Nookd" im Text. To kindle, falls das jemand nicht wusste, heißt ein Feuer anzünden (auch im übertragenen Sinn).

Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

You’re Probably Not Qualified to Make Pizza For Apple

0 Kommentare
You’re Probably Not Qualified to Make Pizza For Apple:
Recently, we learned that it wasn’t unusual for a prospective Apple employee to endure a grueling nine-month long interview process. Even after hiring, new employees are frequently put on fake projects in order to test their loyalty. Now, it seems, that Apple’s exacting hiring standards extend to its kitchens, as demonstrated by a job posting for a Pizza Chef.

The posting from Apple’s jobs page describes the exact skills necessary to work as a pizza chef at the company. Interesting is not only the skills the job posting demands, but the specificity of the kind of pizza Apple expects.
The ideal candidate has extensive experience making pizza dough from scratch and is able to portion and toss the dough; possesses the ability to hand stretch the pizza (without using a rolling pin) and cook the pizza to order in a high temperature oven. The cook will also prep and maintain all food items necessary to make a variety of pizzas (toppings, sauces and related prep).
At least 2-4 years of experience working a high volume wood burning pizza oven featuring thin crust, Neapolitan style pizza.
God forbid if you’ve ever sullied your hands with a rolling pin, or perhaps prefer to craft Chicago style pizza (read: the best kind of pizza [editor's note: gross]). Then again, it’s only reasonable for Apple to say exactly what they’re looking for in a new employee. It also shows that Apple employees are probably eating a lot better than most folks.
No word yet if new pizza chefs are required to work on impossible, fake pizza projects until they’ve proven themselves.
(via Apple, image via Jeff Kubina)
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Google Set to Acquire Top Level Domains “.youtube,” “.docs,” and “.lol”

0 Kommentare
In a blog post yesterday, Google announced that it was participating in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers application process for new top-level domains. You know, the process that is going to make “.xxx” and “.geekosystem” into a reality. Though short on details, the post suggests that the company is aiming for some pretty interesting purchases.
The brief blogpost outlines four categories of domain purchases Google is planning to make, and an example of each. From Google:
  • Our trademarks, like .google
  • Domains related to our core business, like .docs
  • Domains that will improve user experience, such as .youtube, which can increase the ease with which YouTube channels and genres can be identified
  • Domains we think have interesting and creative potential, such as .lol
The first of these categories, defending trademarks, has been a problematic issue for the new expansion of top-level domains. Companies and other major organizations will now be forced to not only purchase relevant .com URLs, but novel top-level domains as well. In this example, Google is trying to purchase .google to prevent someone else from getting it first and running a website like CaliforniaWigSex.google. Remember how WhiteHouse.com used to be a pornsite? Same problem, just different domain.
The creation of these new top-level domains has been rather fraught since it was announced some months ago, and ICANN is now putting a freeze on the application process.
Though Google has remained tight-lipped about what it intends to do with these domains, or what other domains it will be purchasing, one thing is certain: If their applications are accepted, they’re going to spend a lot of money. Purchasing just a single new domain costs $185,000 up front and another $25,000 a year to keep the domain. Hopefully whatever “.lol” hilarity Google is planning will be worth it.
(Google Blog via Ad Age)
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Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Thar She ISOs

0 Kommentare
(Video Game Store | USA)
Customer: “You guys buy games, right?”
Me: “That’s right.”
Customer: “Any games, right?”
Me: “Unless we have several of them in stock, or they’re in very poor condition, yes.”
Customer: “So, you’ll take any games as long as there’s no scratches and you don’t have a bunch of them, right?”
Me: “Correct.”
Customer: “Okay, good! I’ve got 20 games here that I wanna sell.”
(The man opens the shoebox he’s been carrying and starts to unload a number of discs onto the counter.)
Me: “Uh, sir…I can’t take these games.”
Customer: “Why not? You just said you could!”
Me: “Because they’re illegally copied games.”
Customer: “But you said you’d take them!”
Me: “Not if they’re DVD-Rs with the names written in Sharpie!”

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Stay in school, kids.

0 Kommentare
Stay in school, kids.:

Stay in school, kids.

Final Exams

0 Kommentare
Final Exams:

I think some of you college students are familiar with these, so here’s a reminder on how much you really need to study.

Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Game of Thrones Featurettes of the Day

0 Kommentare

The Game of Thrones season 1 Blu-ray includes a series of excellent animated history lessons that fill viewers in on the backstory of the houses of Westeros, the Night’s Watch, Mad King Aerys and more.
Even better, they’re all online (for now, anyway) and an industrious YouTuber has put them all in a playlist for your perusal.

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Amazing Spider-Man Trailer of the Day

0 Kommentare

Marvel Entertainment has released the most action-packed Amazing Spider-Man trailer yet, with less teenage spider-drama, more fight scenes, and more hints about the mystery of Peter Parker’s parents.
The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans and Denis Leary, opens in 3D July 3.

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012


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Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012

Agreement groups in the US Senate

0 Kommentare
Agreement groups in the US
PhD student Adrien Friggeri demonstrates a new clustering algorithm with a visualization of the agreement groups within the United States Senate over time.
As you might imagine, there are two obvious groupings, Republican and Democrat. It gets interesting though when you look at Democrats classified as Republicans and vice versa. For example, the 11 Republicans placed in the Democratic group of the 110th Congress:
Most of whom are either moderates or closer to the Democrats than to their own party. Charles Hagel was critic of the Bush Administration which he described as "the lowest in capacity, in capability, in policy, in consensus — almost every area" of any presidency in the last forty years. George Voinovich has been known to oppose lowering taxes and frequently joined the Democrats on tax issues. John Warner is a moderate Republican and has centrist stances on many issues, to the point that he once faced opposition of other members of his own party when he decided to run for re-election.
Be sure to click on the gray boxes to follow the trajectories of different cohorts.

Montag, 30. April 2012

I made this chart after reading an article that informed me that...

0 Kommentare

I made this chart after reading an article that informed me that sitting more than six hours a day was effectively killing me. I immediately flipped out and started eating lunch standing up (which I still do pretty frequently). However, that only brings my daily sit time down to about 23 hours.
Anyway, learning this fact made me wonder what other things were lowering my lifespan.
Explanations and sources for each fact can be found here: http://bit.ly/IAPhpl
…and yes, you read that right…NOT drinking alcohol (in moderation) supposedly reduces lifespan.

Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

We Prefer Hipsters Over Hellcats

0 Kommentare
(Retail | Toronto, ON, Canada)
(A customer comes over to the small cosmetic service station that I am posted at. All the while, she’s talking on her phone and sounds quite upset.)
Me: “Hello, ma’am. What can I do for you today?”
Customer: *to phone* “Sorry, got go.” *hangs up*
Me: “Ma’am—”
Customer: “SHUT UP YOU, D*** HIPSTER!”
(Note: I’m wearing prescription Ray Bans and have a eyebrow piercing.)
Me: “Uhm—”
Customer: “You heard me the first time! Not another word! You probably don’t even need those glasses!”
(Without warning, the customer rips the glasses from my face. She throws them on the ground, shattering the lenses.)
Me: “Oh my God!”
Customer: “Look! You are fine!”
(My coworker comes over to see what all the commotion is about.)
Coworker: “What is going on?”
Customer: “This b**** was trying to look like a hipster!”
Coworker: “Ma’am, she actually needed those to see. Now get out before I call security!”
Customer: “F*** you! F***ing hipsters taking over!”
(Enraged, the customer grabs a makeup display, tips it over, and starts throwing around items from a nearby shelf. Security rushes over and takes her out of the store while she screams profanities. The total damage cost is over $200 worth of products, not including my glasses.)

Batman Physics

1 Kommentare
Batman Physics:

Batman Physics

Mittwoch, 25. April 2012


0 Kommentare


Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Feel and Run WIN

0 Kommentare
Feel and Run WIN:
epic win photos - Feel and Run WIN

Submitted by: Unknown

Freitag, 20. April 2012

Diablo III Open Beta Starts Today, Here’s How Anyone Can Play for Free

0 Kommentare
For those of us that have continued to be locked out of Blizzard’s closed beta test of Diablo III, there is good news. This weekend, Blizzard will be stress testing their servers for the hack and slash game, and needs all the help they can get. That means anyone can play through the beta for the forthcoming game between Friday, April 20 at 21:01 CEST and Monday, April 23 at 19:00 CEST. This will be a good weekend.

If you’re keen to get in the beta, it’s really simple.
Unfortunately, Blizzard fans in Korea as well as gamers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau will have to wait until a separate beta begins on April 23rd.
Remember that although you’ll be having fun, the goal here is for Blizzard to stress test their infrastructure prior to the launch. That means that if you’re participating in the open beta, you won’t have access to things like the beta forums or “Beta Bucks” for use in the auction house. Tragic, I know.
Also, the company admits that it’s possible that the demand will exceed their capabilities, and the experience may be slow or buggy. However, it’s no secret that this game is going to be meteorically popular and Blizzard has no doubt planned accordingly.
Closed beta users will continue to have access to the game until May 1st, but for the open beta players the magic ends on April 23rd. Like Cinderella, your account will turn into a pumpkin after the magical ball. But have no fear: The end of the open beta leaves only 22 more days until the full-blown release of the game. That’s worthy consolation, right?
(Blizzard via PC Mag)
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Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Matt Groening Reveals The Simpsons Springfield is Named After the One in Oregan

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In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine, The Simpsons creator Matt Groening revealed the one and only burning question fans of the show have ever wanted to know: Where is Springfield?
Twenty five years later, Groening revealed that Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon. He said he was inspired by the show Father Knows Best, which also took place in a town named Springfield, and it always excited him because he thought it was the Springfield next to Portland, which is his hometown. As one might’ve expected, he also stuck with the name because he found out Springfield is one of the most common names for a U.S. city, and fans will think the Simpsons’ hometown is named after their own hometown.
I don’t want to ruin it for people, you know? Whenever people say it’s Springfield, Ohio, or Springfield, Massachusetts, or Springfield, wherever, I always go, “Yup, that’s right.”
There it is. The most burning question deep down in the souls of most modern day men and women, answered in a random interview on the Internet. Of course, simply because it was named after Oregon, one could easily say that the town isn’t actually set in Oregon, but that’s probably as close of an answer as we’ll ever get, especially considering Groening wants fans to think its their Springfield and not some other state’s.
As a fan who has watched every single Simpsons episode, including the shorts from The Tracey Ullman Show — yes, even whatever the “new, bad episodes” are that everyone likes to talk about — I kind of don’t know what to do with myself now that this question has been answered. Watch more Simpsons, I guess.
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Sonntag, 1. April 2012

The History of April Fools Day [Video]

0 Kommentare
The History of April Fools Day [Video]:

The history of April Fools Day… or at least what is thought to be the best answer for people who want to know the history of it!

Freitag, 30. März 2012

Virgin Boy Eggs, Eggs Soaked in the Urine of Boys Below the Age of 10, are a Delicacy in a Chinese Town

0 Kommentare
Virgin Boy Eggs, Eggs Soaked in the Urine of Boys Below the Age of 10, are a Delicacy in a Chinese Town:
When visiting different parts of the world, one generally notices the local popular food item. New York is full of street hot dogs, South Florida is full of latin food, England is full of tea and meat pies, and the Chinese city of Dongyang is full of eggs soaked in the urine of boys under the age of ten. They’re called “virgin boy eggs,” the urine is collected from primary schools, and they’re a local delicacy.
The vendors who sell the virgin boy eggs claim the eggs have decent health properties, because that probably makes it easier to sell eggs soaked in young boy urine that is collected from schools. A vendor of a popular virgin egg stall claimed eating the eggs creates better blood circulation, reinvigorates the body, and would prevent heat stroke. You could also just drink water, if you’re afraid of heat stroke.
The juicy details of the cooking procedure are simple: Soak the eggs in a pot of urine, then boil the eggs in said pot of urine. After they soak and boil, the shells of the eggs are cracked, then the eggs are simmered in urine for the rest of the day. In order to keep the urine eggs from overheating, the street vendors pour fresh urine over the eggs throughout the day.
One urine egg street vendor said he’s been making and selling the eggs for over two decades, and the eggs are currently priced at around $0.24, double the price of normal eggs sold by the same vendors.
Even creepier, local residents who aren’t vendors of urine eggs are said to actually collect boys’ urine from schools themselves for personal egg use. Not all people of Dongyang are fans of the eggs, however, but enough people seem to be fans for there to be multiple street vendors that have stayed in business for years selling the them.
(story via Reuters, images via Amusing Planet)
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Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

Dienstag, 27. März 2012

Tube Transport To China In Two Hours?

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ETT System

Are we coming closer to a Futurama-esque tube transport system?

ET3.com, Inc., an open consortium looking to implement "Space Travel On Earth," has begun selling licenses for its Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) system, which they claim could take people from New York to Beijing in just 2 hours, without ever leaving the ground. The company and its advocates say this form of transport is silent, cheaper, greener and much, much faster than planes, trains and cars.

The systems works (in theory) by putting capsules in an evacuated tube, which accelerates up to 4,000 mph in roughly 3 minutes using linear electric motors. Friction is almost completely eliminated, as passive superconductors allow the capsule to "float" within the tubes. The energy used to accelerate the capsules is then recaptured as they slow down. Capsules could drastically range in size according to their contents.

ET3.com says that the system could be used for everything from cargo to human transport and could one day be networked like freeways, both above and below ground.

The consortium says that more than 3 dozen licenses to build the system have been purchased in China and 5 dozen have been purchased in 5 additional countries.

[Source: Gizmag]
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Mittwoch, 14. März 2012

Man Spends Over $350,000 Preparing for End of World

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Man Spends Over $350,000 Preparing for End of World:
46-year-old Robert Bast of Melbourne, Australia is a seemingly normal guy. He works in Internet marketing dor his day job, has a wife and three children, and runs website Survive2012.com as a hobby when he’s off work. That website, though? It’s about how the world is going to end in 2012, when the Mayan calendar predicted. Also, Bast has spent over $350,000 on preparing for the end of the world. You know, like you do.
He says the end of the world could come at anytime, which is true, if you believe that, technically, anything can happen at any time because you don’t understand the ways of the universe. Bast claims there will certainly be some kind of catastrophe in his lifetime, so he should prepare for it. Not an irrational theory, after all, better safe than sorry, but considering his age of 46 and the average human lifespan, that world-ending catastrophe will happen somewhat soon.
“What is certain is that in my lifetime, there is a strong likelihood that there will be a catastrophe of some kind — the sun destroying power grids, a flu pandemic that kills millions, an asteroid or meteor or comet striking earth or a magnetic pole shift.”
The majority of the $350,000 cost was put into buying a 75-acre plot of land that is 1,5000 feet above sea level (in order to avoid tsunamis and flooding), on which he build a house and bunker. He spent $10,00 on a pickup truck to drive him to the safe spot in case of emergency, and spent $5,000 on stockpiles of food and water, as well as $11,000 on your standard array of survival equipment — batteries, generators, water purifiers, solar power, and gas cookers.
Though Bast has a regular income from his day job that he has been saving money from, in order to fully pay for his safe house, he took a second mortgage on out his regular house, something one wouldn’t want to do unless they’re crazy or actually believe they need to. Bast obviously falls into one of those two categories, at the very least.
So, are you preparing safe houses for when the world ends later this year? Or since the world is ending, are you just going to go with the flow since a safe house probably won’t save you from the planet exploding?
(via CNN Money)
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Freitag, 2. März 2012

The Ire Of The Irish

0 Kommentare
The Ire Of The Irish:

(Restaurant | Maryland, USA)

(I’m Irish and am working in the States one summer, waiting tables at an Irish pub/restaurant. I’m serving a couple in their 30s.)

Customer: “Where are you from?”

Me: “I’m from Ireland.”

Customer: “Where’s that?”

Me: “It’s in Europe.”

Customer: “Oh, you’re from another country! Your English is really good!”

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

Montag, 20. Februar 2012

Lazy College Senior in the House

1 Kommentare
Due Tonight Vs. Do Tonight:

(College | Illinois, USA)

(I’m a librarian in a university library. It’s almost 5 PM and I’m getting ready to go home.)

Student: “Hi, I have a research paper and I don’t know how to find sources for it.”

Me: “Okay, what’s your topic?”

Student: “It’s [topic].”

Me: “That one might be tough to find a lot of information on. When is the paper due?”

Student: “Midnight.”

Lazy College Senior in the House

0 Kommentare
Due Tonight Vs. Do Tonight:

(College | Illinois, USA)

(I’m a librarian in a university library. It’s almost 5 PM and I’m getting ready to go home.)

Student: “Hi, I have a research paper and I don’t know how to find sources for it.”

Me: “Okay, what’s your topic?”

Student: “It’s [topic].”

Me: “That one might be tough to find a lot of information on. When is the paper due?”

Student: “Midnight.”

LOTR Cyanide & Happiness [Comic]

0 Kommentare

Gotta love a delicious LOTR joke! I don’t know about you, but it’ll never get old for me!

[Via Cyanide and Happiness]

Turn an Innocent Bicycle Into a Death Machine With a Bicycle-Mounted Chainsaw

0 Kommentare

Taking the classic paper route to a whole new level, this innocent bicycle has been fitted with a chainsaw, amusingly attached so if the wheels are turning, the chainsaw is spinning. One might assume this is simply a funny project, but the depth of how-to videos sitting over on YouTube is somewhat astonishing. If only the titular paperboy in Paperboy rode one of these, that skateboarder never would’ve had a chance.

(It’s Funny To Me via Neatorama)