Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

Hier mal eine Infografik wie die SOPA proteste verlaufen sind und was sie ausgelöst haben. Enjoy

0 Kommentare

Source: frugaldad.com

Mitt Romney in commanding lead as Florida polls...

0 Kommentare


Mitt Romney in commanding lead as Florida polls open

Florida’s Republican voters go to the polls on Tuesday in a high-stakes presidential primary election, with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney holding a commanding double-digit lead in polls over rival Newt Gingrich.

Florida is the largest state to hold a presidential primary so far this year and a Romney victory would give him a big boost in the state-by-state battle to decide who will face President Barack Obama in the November election.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. local time. Most of the state is on Eastern Time, except the western Panhandle region, which is on Central Time and where polls will close an hour later.

Lego Lord of the Rings

0 Kommentare

Lego Lord of the Rings Pics of the Day

Lego Lord of the Rings Pics of the Day: We’ve already seen the Lego version of the Fellowship of the Ring, but now Lego has released images of several more minifigs from their Lord of the Rings line, as well as a close-up poster of Lego Gollum.


fefe des tages

0 Kommentare
Der (voraussichtliche) Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner heißt Mitt Romney. Zwei Sachen möchte ich zu dem mal anmerken.Erstens: Der ist so reich wie die letzten 8 Präsidenten (Nixon - Obama) zusammengerechnet. Ein klarer Kandidat des Volkes also!1!!Zweitens: Er ist Mormone. Wer sich nicht genug mit Mormonen auskennt, um die Signifikanz dieses Details zu erkennen, der soll sich mal bitte eine Stunde zurückziehen und sich in Ruhe über die Mormonen informieren. Ich will mal zur Einstimmung auf deren magische Unterwäsche hinweisen und auf die Proxy-Taufen und die Geschichte hier. Und wenn ihr schon dabei seid...Romney ist nicht bloß irgendein Mormone:But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles — Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.Der Gründer der Mormonen heißt Joseph Smith und wollte auch mal Präsident werden, das wurde aber nichts.Romney avoids mentioning it, but Smith ran for president in 1844 as an independent commander in chief of an “army of God” advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government in favor of a Mormon-ruled theocracy. Challenging Democrat James Polk and Whig Henry Clay, Smith prophesied that if the U.S. Congress did not accede to his demands that “they shall be broken up as a government and God shall damn them.”Es gibt da seit dem diese Prophezeihung, dass eines Tages ein Mormone das Weiße Haus übernehmen würde, um dann das Königreich Gottes einzuführen (aus Sicht der Mormonen, versteht sich). Das Google-Stichwort für diese Prophezeihung heißt "White Horse".

Talentiertes Mädchen

0 Kommentare

Star Trek: The Inner Light – The Orchestral Edition

0 Kommentare

Montag, 30. Januar 2012

Why Not WIN

0 Kommentare
epic win photos - Why Not WIN

netter Vorschlag :D

Game of Thrones Trailer

0 Kommentare

Game of Thrones Trailer of the Day: After a few all-too-brief teasers, HBO has just released the first full trailer for season 2 of Game of Thrones.

The trailer kicks off with Varys the Spider giving some advice to everyone’s favorite “very small man who can cast a very large shadow”: Tyrion Lannister. Other returning characters you love (Daenarys) and love to hate (Joffrey) also make key appearances.

If you don’t remember the way this game is played, now’s the time to brush up, because Game of Thrones returns on April 1st, 2012.

[ew / comicbookmovie]

Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Amazing ball boy catch

0 Kommentare

The Land of the "Free"

0 Kommentare

The Logo for Gmail Was Designed the Night Before Gmail Launched

0 Kommentare

Taking a cue from jaded high school students and most college students, it turns out the Gmail logo was designed the night before Gmail launched. According to a post on Quora, Google designer from 2003 to 2008 Kevin Fox said that Gmail logo designer Dennis Hwang was up designing the logo literally the night before the product launched.

In the Quora post, Fox said that at the time, Hwang was responsible for most of the Google Doodles and other logo work, so one can assume that designing the Gmail logo was right up Hwang’s alley and he didn’t necessarily need months of designing logos he disliked, then going back to the drawing board.

Interestingly, Fox reveals that the initial logo was made in the usual Google font, called Catull, but the letter “A” was deemed awkward, so they used used Catull for the “G” to tie the logo together with the regular Google logo, then used Myriad Pro for the other letters, which they felt looked cleaner.

So, now every time you look at the Gmail logo, you’ll notice that the “G” doesn’t match with the rest of the letters, and you’ll be somewhat impressed that a designer came up with the subtly clever “M in an envelope” design the night before the product launched.

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

A Decade-Worth of Footage Uploaded to Youtube Every Day

0 Kommentare

Every second, one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube. That’s 24 hours every 24 seconds… or a decade every single day.


The Constitution of Man

0 Kommentare

The Constitution of Man

This one might require some thinking or knowledge...

0 Kommentare


Obama is great!  -refrickdonk

1 Kommentare
Wenn wir schon den ganzen tag bei Obama sind,

hier noch einige seiner CHANGES

Obama is great!


State of the Union 2012: Breaking down the...

1 Kommentare
Nochmals eine kleine Wörterkollektion von der State of the Union

State of the Union 2012: Breaking down the language
The National Post’s graphics team looks at key words and how many times they’ve been used in State of the Union addresses going back to 2001:

'Command & Conquer' turned into an HTML5 game for your browser

1 Kommentare
c and c_640

Do you like your gaming old school with a dash of open web standards thrown in? The original Command and Conquer has been turned into an HTML5 game, playable in the browser. It's buggy and a bit awkward, but it'll still put smiles on retro gaming fans' faces.

EA already offers a Play4Free version of C&C, but you'll surely prefer to support the homebrew programming community by giving this one a try. It's built using HTML5 and JavaScript and is currently at version 0.3. Developer Aditya Ravi Shankar took three and a half weeks to put the first build together, meticulously studying how the real game looks and plays and recreating it in his web-friendly version. You can try it out on the first source link below or learn more about how it...

Continue reading…

10 Missverständnisse werden eingeräumt

0 Kommentare

Don’t give yourself an F! Get educated!

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

Word frequencies from presidents USA

0 Kommentare

Math Fact of the Day

0 Kommentare
Math Fact of the Day:

Math Fact of the Day

Math Fact of the Day: Dividing 1 by 998001 produces a decimal that includes every three-digit number, in order (except for 998, but we can let that one slide).

If you write 1/9801 as a decimal, you’ll get the same results for two-digit numbers (minus 98).

Math: great subject, or greatest subject? Discuss.


Fefe: Achtung, hinsetzen: Bollywood-Tanznummer-Werbevideo einer israelischen Rüstungsfirma. Damit wollen sie den indischen Markt erobern.

0 Kommentare
Achtung, hinsetzen: Bollywood-Tanznummer-Werbevideo einer israelischen Rüstungsfirma. Damit wollen sie den indischen Markt erobern.

Fairy Tale

0 Kommentare
Schön gesagt Frau Curie


Why was MegaUpload really shut down? Skandal!

0 Kommentare

In December of 2011, just weeks before the takedown, Digital Music News reported on something new that the creators of #Megaupload were about to unroll. Something that would rock the music industry to its core. (http://goo.gl/A7wUZ)

I present to you... MegaBox. MegaBox was going to be an alternative music store that was entirely cloud-based and offered artists a better money-making opportunity than they would get with any record label.

"UMG knows that we are going to compete with them via our own music venture called Megabox.com, a site that will soon allow artists to sell their creations directly to consumers while allowing artists to keep 90 percent of earnings," MegaUpload founder Kim 'Dotcom' Schmitz told Torrentfreak

Not only did they plan on allowing artists to keep 90% of their earnings on songs that they sold, they wanted to pay them for songs they let users download for free.

"We have a solution called the Megakey that will allow artists to earn income from users who download music for free," Dotcom outlined. "Yes that's right, we will pay artists even for free downloads. The Megakey business model has been tested with over a million users and it works."

Montag, 23. Januar 2012

Using geo data from...

2 Kommentare

Infographic of the Day: Using geo data from photos uploaded by users to Google’s Panoramio, Sightsmap generates an interactive heatmap of the most frequently photographed spots around the world.


fefe quote of the day

0 Kommentare
Die EU hat ein Öl-Embargo gegen den Iran verhängt. Oh Mann, was für Sprallos sitzen da eigentlich in der EU?! Wieso reihen wir uns jetzt schon wieder als Schoßhund der Amis ein? Gab es da jetzt irgendeine Not für, dem Iran den Wirtschaftskrieg zu erklären? Inhaltlich kratzt das den Iran eh nicht, die exportieren das Öl dann halt nach Indien und China, die auf das US-Embargo scheißen. Die kriegen dann halt bessere Preise. Genau was wir nicht wollten, dass China billiger Öl einkaufen kann.Wieso sind diese ganzen inkompetenten EU-Sesselfurzer eigentlich überhaupt noch im Amt?! Gegen Belgien hat ja auch keiner ein Embargo gefordert, als die Atomkraft erforscht haben, und in Belgien lagern auch Atomwaffen, falls das jemand nicht wusste. Die Amis lagern sie dort.Ach und zur Frage, ob der Iran Atomwaffen haben darf oder nicht, sei mal auf dieses seit einiger Zeit im Internet kursierende Bild verwiesen, das den Iran und die US-Militär-Basen und Flottenverbände in seiner Nähe zeigt. Kann da irgendjemand ernsthaft sagen, der Iran hat kein gesteigertes Selbstschutzinteresse und keinen genau so legitimen Anspruch auf Atomwaffen wie sagen wir die USA oder die Russen? Diese ganze Anti-Proliferations-Rhetorik ist in meinen Augen ganz großer Bullshit, da geht es nicht um den Schutz der Welt vor Atomwaffen, sondern darum dass die jetzigen Eigentümer ihr Monopol erhalten. Kann man nachvollziehen, aber legitim ist das nicht.

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2012

Facebook, PLEASE…

0 Kommentare

Love the jpg compression artifacts on this one. :)


Honest iPhone Wallpapers

0 Kommentare

[Source: Behance | Via MUO]

Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

SOPA opposition surges

1 Kommentare


ProPublica has been tracking members of Congress who oppose and support SOPA. You can view by party and chamber, and you can even sort by campaign contributions from movie, music, and television. Above shows the quick change from January 18 to 19.

face it

0 Kommentare

Go back we fucked up!

0 Kommentare

time travelers

0 Kommentare


Universal, RIAA, FBI, MPAA and Department of Justice Sites Go Down, Anonymous Claims Responsibility

0 Kommentare

After a noteworthy lack of action on during the SOPA blackouts on January 18th, it seems that Anonymous is springing back into action in response to the federal takedown of MegaUpload and the subsequent arrest and likely extradition of Kim Dotcom. Just hours after the news that the U.S. federal government took down MegaUpload alongside an indictment on piracy charges, Universal.com and Justice.gov have gone down, and a prominent Anonymous affiliated Twitter account is claiming responsibility.

justice.gov & universalmusic.com TANGO DOWN!You should have EXPECT US! #Megaupload

— AnonOps (@anonops) January 19, 2012

ALERT: Recording Industry Association of America RIAA.ORG TANGO DOWN #Megaupload

— AnonOps (@anonops) January 19, 2012

ALERT: Motion Picture Association of America MPAA.ORG TANGO DOWN! #Megaupload — AnonOps (@anonops) January 19, 2012

Get some popcorn… it’s going to be a long lulzy night. — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) January 19, 2012


— AnonOps (@anonops) January 20, 2012

Knowing Anonymous, there is probably more to come both in the way of DDOS attacks and threats toward the federal government, SOPA supporters, and other organizations that have spearheaded copyright infringement lawsuits. More as the story develops.

5:17 P.M. Update: RIAA.org is now down.

5:28 Update 2: and MPAA.org.

5:55 Update 3: Tweets indicate there may be more attacks to come this evening.

7:47 Update 4: Anonymous is reporting FBI.gov as down. Some people report being able to get through, but the site is clearly under a lot of stress.

8:19 Update 5: Now it’s definitely down. FBI.gov, that is. MPAA and RIAA sites are back now though.

Apple bietet jetzt auch eine Ebook-Anwendung für ihre ...

0 Kommentare
Apple bietet jetzt auch eine Ebook-Anwendung für ihre ...: Apple bietet jetzt auch eine Ebook-Anwendung für ihre Tablets an. Und eine Authoring-Anwendung namens Ibook Author. Das ist ein kostenloser Download, aber die EULA davon ist selbst für Apple-Verhältnisse beeindruckend menschenverachtend.
(ii) if your Work is provided for a fee (including as part of any subscription-based product or service), you may only distribute the Work through Apple and such distribution is subject to the following limitations and conditions: (a) you will be required to enter into a separate written agreement with Apple (or an Apple affiliate or subsidiary) before any commercial distribution of your Work may take place; and (b) Apple may determine for any reason and in its sole discretion not to select your Work for distribution.
Und wisst ihr was? Solange Deppen wie Teile meiner Leserschaft denen trotz sowas ihren Scheiß abkaufen, wird das fröhlich immer so weitergehen.

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012

Why Not Try a Book Today?

0 Kommentare

[Source: Doghouse Diaries]

Communication FAIL

0 Kommentare

Making a presentation interesting is an art form, and unfortunately, very few people can do it right.

[Via Laughing Squid]

The Science Behind Silicone Implants

0 Kommentare

Following recent news reports about problems with a certain type of breast implant, here’s a video discussing the use of silicone in medical implants from a scientific point of view.

Please note that this video contains no nudity at all.

[Periodic Videos]

I Used to be a Blogger Like You… [Pic]

0 Kommentare

I used to be a blogger like you, then I took a SOPA and PIPA in the knee!

[Source: Rampaged Reality]

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

All Karma’d Out

0 Kommentare

(Department Store | Australia)

Customer: “Do you have any boxed Christmas cards?”

Me: “Yes, we have two shelves over there. Have you seen those?”

Customer: “Yes, but do you have any that don’t donate to charity?”

Me: “I don’t think so.”

Customer: “Fine, I’ll go shopping somewhere else!”

Facebook vs. SOPA

0 Kommentare
Facebook vs. SOPA of the Day:

Facebook vs. SOPA of the Day

Facebook vs. SOPA of the Day: Facebook has joined the fight against SOPA and PIPA. In a statement on the company’s policy website, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has issued a statement explaining Facebook’s opposition to the bills.

“PROTECT IP and SOPA could create very real problems for Internet companies like ours that are a primary driver of innovation, growth, and job creation in the 21st century economy,” the statement said.

“The bills contain overly broad definitions and create a new private cause of action against companies on the basis of those expansive definitions, which could seriously hamper the innovation, growth, and investment in new companies that have been the hallmarks of the Internet.”

Facebook clarified that opposing SOPA doesn’t mean it supports piracy or copyright infringement, and proved its point by including a link to report infringing content on the social network.


Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012

Youtube Comment WIN

0 Kommentare

epic win photos - Youtube Comment WIN

Israeli Hackers Take Down Saudi Stock Exchange

0 Kommentare

Follow Up of the Day: Israeli Hackers Take Down Saudi Stock Exchange

Follow Up of the Day:: Israeli hackers have targeted stock exchanges in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in retaliation against Saudi hackers who hit the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Israeli airline El Al yesterday.

In a statement posted to Pastebin, hackers calling themselves #IDF-Team wrote:

Because lame hackers from Saudi Arabia decided to launch an attack against Israeli sites such as the airport site “EL-AL” and sites of Israeli banks, today, 01/17/12

Official stock exchange site of Saudi Arabia at the following address http://www.adx.ae not be available online and is only the beginning, in addition there may be disruption to the government’s stock exchange site at the following: http://www.sama.gov.sa/

If the lame attacks from Saudi Arabia will continue, we will move to the next level which will disable these sites longer term may come to weeks or even months.

You have been warned.

According to Haaretz, the Israeli hackers “paralyzed” the Saudi Stock Exchange website, while causing “significant delays” to the UAE stock exchange site.

The newspaper also says that an Israeli hacker going by “Hannibal” has released a list of 30,000 Saudi e-mail addresses and Facebook passwords, and claims he’ll release millions more email addresses, passwords and bank account details if Israel should officially declare cyberwar.


I love charts

0 Kommentare

via Steve Lin

Frequency of Lying

Weise Worte

0 Kommentare
A: Ich glaube es gibt nichts schwierigeres, als aufhören jemanden zu lieben, nur weil er dich nicht liebt :(
B: Naja, ich glaube Zahnpasta in die Tube zurückzubekommen, ist schwerer.

Montag, 16. Januar 2012

World’s Tiniest Ear

0 Kommentare

World's Tiniest Ear of the Day

World’s Tiniest Ear of the Day: Researchers at Germany’s University of Munich have developed what’s being called the world’s tiniest ear.

The “nano-ear” is actually a tiny particle of gold, 60 nanometers in diameter, suspended by a laser beam, and it can detect sounds a million times fainter than the best human ears.

It works by recording the movements of the gold nanoparticle as it responds to the acoustic vibrations caused by other nanoparticles when researchers heat them with lasers. Aside from being amazingly sensitive, the nano-ear can also calculate the direction a vibration is coming from.

Researchers say this experiment could launch a whole new field — acoustic microscopy — that would study the sounds emitted by microscopic organisms.


Amazing Chinese Volleyball Volleying

0 Kommentare
Wie wir früher bei Herrn Dornbierer im Turnunterricht!

Bill Gates is Better than Batman [Infographic]

0 Kommentare
Bill Gates is Better than Batman [Infographic]:

microsoft infographic
Source: frugaldad.com

Thanks for the Warning

0 Kommentare

epic win photos - Thanks for the Warning WIN

Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012

What percent you are in

0 Kommentare

What percent you're in

Accompanying an article on the variations of the wealthiest one percent, The New York Times provides this interactive map to see what percent you're in. Simply enter your household income and see how you compare in metropolitan areas with over 50,000 households.

Nation-wide, a household income over $383,000 puts you in the top one percent. However, a lower household income of $179,000 puts you in the top one percent in Flint, Michigan. The same wage in San Diego, California puts you only in the top eight percent.

Also: what jobs the top one percent have.

Retrobit RetroDuo portable and RetroPort hands-on

0 Kommentare
Inspired, perhaps, by the fruits of Ben Heck's dual-console handheld dreams, Retrobit has retrofit their Retroduo NES / SNES hybrid game console to fit in your hand. The Retroduo Portable, a handheld SNES console shown for the first time at CES 2012, hopes to one-up Hyperkin's SupaBoy by adding support for classic NES games. We dropped by their booth to get a closer look.

TP-Link's Wireless N Nano and Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router (hands-on video)

0 Kommentare
Gallery Photo: TP-Link Wireless N Nano Router (hands-on)

TP-Link was showing off a couple of interesting new wireless routers at CES this week. The Wireless N Nano Router is the world’s smallest at 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.75 inches, it weighs practically nothing, and it draws power over Micro USB. Also, even though the router’s tiny, it’s the real deal with top speeds up to 150Mbps. Think about the last time you went to a hotel that only had a wired internet connection — you're TP-Link's target market.

The company was also exhibiting its Portable 3G/3.75G Battery Powered Wireless N Router. On top of working as a regular wireless router, the device can turn the connection from your HSPA+ or EVDO dongle into a wi-fi connection as well, so you can easily share your connection with other people in...

Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

World's smallest media player doesn't require a power plug

0 Kommentare
World's smallest media player

What you're looking at is the world's smallest media player from Sigma Designs — even smaller than the HTC Media Link. The EasyTV is just a working reference design so it's not for sale but could be if a manufacturer decides to move forward with the blueprint. The ultra efficient device doesn't require a power plug tethered back to the wall jack yet still pumps 1080p video received over 802.11n Wi-Fi up through your television's HDMI cable. Inside you'll find Sigma's SMP867X multimedia chip processor with support for DLNA and 802.11n Wi-Fi (and Wi-Fi Direct). Power is provided by the unused USB jack on the back of your television making this an easy way to make some televisions into smart TVs.

World subway paths at scale

0 Kommentare


Urban planner Neil Freeman maps the world's subway systems to scale in a minimal style resembling the scribbles or renderings of weird sea creatures by a two-year-old. I wish there were nodes to show stops, too, but the contrasts between the compact TRTA in Tokyo and RATP in Paris, and the spread out Seoul Metro and Transport for London is an interesting look.

Shit Nobody Says

0 Kommentare

This is for all of you who are tired of those Sh*t ______ Says videos.

Previously on [GAS]:

[Via The Mary Sue]

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

Dating Advice for Gamers

0 Kommentare

This should be taken into consideration for all you gaming ladies as well by the way!


0 Kommentare

Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012

Thermador Freedom full-surface inductive cooktop oven mitts-on

0 Kommentare
Thermador Freedom full-surface inductive cooktop oven mitts-on:

We'll admit it, cooktops aren't all that sexy as a rule. But Thermodor's Freedom full-surface adaptive induction unit we just happened upon at CES Unveiled this evening certainly takes some steps towards making that almost true. Touting a 6-inch touchscreen that displays the pot's shape and position and enables easy one tap control of each vessel's cooking temperature as well as up to 4600-watt maximum output power. A benefit of this seamless layout is that due to inductive cooking's magic, pots can be reconfigured while cooking without the need to wait for an element to heat up. While we weren't allowed to do any cooking tests, we expect the surface does get hot and can cook food. Thermador's flagship Freedom surface is due to ship in Jul 2012 for an sound about $4949. Hit the gallery for some pretty hot see-thru pics of the inner workings of the Freedom.

Game AIs

0 Kommentare
The top computer champion at Seven Minutes in Heaven is a Honda-built Realdoll, but to date it has been unable to outperform the human Seven Minutes in Heaven champion, Ken Jennings.

In Detail: Rolls-Royce 102EX Phantom EV

0 Kommentare

This week's episode of TRANSLOGIC features the Rolls-Royce 102EX Phantom EE (experimental electric), a one-off concept car that showcases how an EV might survive--even thrive--in a segment where "compromise" is considered a 4-letter word. During the world tour the vehicle has made in the past year, Rolls-Royce has sought to convince potential buyers that an EV doesn't require a trade-off in style or performance. In fact, within the ultra-luxury segment, the high-tech innovations can enhance the James Bond aura all the more.

Since the car was unveiled in Geneva last year, the 102EX team has focused on whether an EV can provide the quality customers expect to come out of Goodwood. Emily Dungey, the 102EX project manager who rides in the front seat with Bradley during the episode, views this model as "a prototype to talk to people, to see if when they drive the car, they feel like they're getting the Rolls-Royce experience."

In fact, not only does the 102EX experience provide the expected creature comforts, but there's something even a little more distinguished about driving an electric Rolls. The engineers have found some innovative ways to leverage the unique properties of an EV to up the luxury quotient of the 102EX--ways that wouldn't be possible in a petrol-powered Phantom.

For instance, under the bonnet you take out the V-12 and give way to a giant, 96-cell li-ion battery pack which powers two 145 kW electric motors hooked directly to the rear axel. This direct connection means no driveshaft running through the center of the vehicle, and therefore much more interior space available, particularly in the rear footwell. And, rest assured, the 102EX designers take full advantage of this opportunity, lining the entire vehicle floor in leather, rather than carpet.

The interior is incredible, and it's really pointless in this instance to enumerate all the charms encompassed in the cabin. The first thing you'll notice is the Corinova leather seats, which are dyed the most perfect hue through a vegetable tanning process. Usually seats are made with chromium and other materials to treat the leather and dye it, but this is treated with chestnut oil extract on the tri-produced leather to produce more natural lines and personalize the hide.

Another way that the 102EX uses its EV-specific properties to enhance the luxury experience is by offering a new prototype system for induction charging developed by HaloIPT, a British-New Zealand company. Rolls-Royce says it's possible to charge the 102EX by simply driving over an induction charging pad on the floor via a receiver pad on the underside of the car. Never having to worry about remembering to plug in your EV? Why, that's even easier than sending Jeeves to fill the tank!

With a number of fancy electric cars from Tesla to Fisker to BMW--not direct competitors, but targeting perhaps a similar affluent demographic--Rolls has to adapt to continue to provide progressive electric drive trains with the standard impressive bells and whistles. Now, Bradley might want to fashion that Cockney a bit more often if it's going to secure him the keys.