Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Ghostbusters Theme Played on Floppy Drives is a Sterling Example of the Genre

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Floppy drive music is something we’ve come to know and love here at Geekosystem. Good examples of the genre are few and far between, unfortunately, but sorting the wheat from the chaff can be a difficult job. MrSolidSnake745 continues in his efforts to make the search as painless as possible by creating his most recent video: The Ghostbusters theme, as played by eight floppy drives.
The video runs a bit long, but the majority of it is a glorious reminder as to what technology — and Bill Murray — can accomplish. The melody is easily recognizable and even catchy in its own right. It’s easy to imagine this playing in the background on a Ghostbusters-inspired arcade brawler, which, like, someone, somewhere, please make that.
(via YouTube)
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Montag, 13. August 2012


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